MeP’s main areas of focus within this pillar are Marine Conservation and Waste Management. Menorca is recognised for its crystal clear waters and beautiful beaches. However, over the years the combination of excess fishing, anchorages in important areas of our marine ecosystems, mass tourism, amount of waste ending up in the ocean, etc., have damaged Menorca’s natural marine environment, with a recent study showing a population decline of up to 80% in a number of different fish species. In addition, excess anchoring on Posidonia sea-beds has also damaged the natural ecosystems supported by these plants.

The Posidonia meadows play a major role in sedimentary dynamics, they are important oxygen production and carbon sink areas, and they are where many species reproduce and seek refuge. They also act as large filters which help clean and maintain the transparency of the seawater.

Based on this, the local Council and Balearic Government are working to increase Menorca’s Protected Marine Areas, as well as the Posidonia Meadows in our waters.

In 1994, after Menorca was declared a Biosphere Reserve, the Consorci de Residus Urbans I Energia (The consortium for Urban waste and Energy) was established. This was an unprecedented event on the island, because regardless of the political party in power, the eight municipalities of Menorca, along with the local Consell would join forces to take on the management of waste and therefore solve an ongoing issue on the island.

Much progress has been made since then, each town has switched from either burying and/or burning waste, to an improved waste management model with advanced environmental principles which take into account both the island’s particularities and current European regulations.

There is still a lot of work to be done as at present only 38% of urban waste is separated at home and only 25% of plastics are recycled.

Menorca Preservation feels that Marine conservation activities are of vital importance in order to support the recovery of Menorca’s marine ecosystems and wildlife while working towards a more sustainable way of living. MeP aims to support any local initiatives working within these areas and in particular feel that there is a need for community awareness campaigns that highlight the problems and opportunities associated with the development of a sustainable waste management strategy and marine conservation for the island.

Marine Conservation & Waste Management Grants

  • SURF&CLEAN | Learn through surfing – 4th edition

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  • SOM Menorca | Study of migratory birds in the Mediterranean 2024

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  • Participative Governance at the Isla del Aire Marine Reserve

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  • TURSIOPS | Moby Mummy 2023

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  • OBSAM | Evolution of recreational fishing in Menorca

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  • Calant Xarxes | Illegal Fishing Alliance

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  • SOM Menorca | Study of migratory birds in the Mediterranean

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  • SURF&CLEAN | Learn through surfing – 3rd edition

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  • OBSAM – Conservation and restoration of Maó Harbour shallow bay

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  • OBSAM – Posidonia Oceanica Study – Phase 3

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  • OBSAM | Monitoring of the vulnerable fish populations to fishing on rocky bottoms in the Isla del Aire Marine Reserve

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