Menorca Preservation

Our Vision

Menorca was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1993 by UNESCO and, on 19th June 2019, UNESCO approved the extension of its limits incorporating to the entire marine area that surrounds the island from the coast, 12 nautical miles offshore. This way, Menorca became the largest Marine Biosphere Reserve in the Mediterranean, going from 71,191 hectares to the current 514,485.


This is a great achievement for the conservation of our island; proving that here, in our little paradise, we already have a society that is aware of the importance of finding a balance between human activity and the protection of our environmental heritage. Taking this context into account, Menorca Preservation works on the sustainability and preservation of our environment based on four key pillars: Land, Sea, Clean Energy and Plastics.

Featured grants

  • Plastic Free Menorca & PescArt Menorca 2024

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  • OBSAM | Conservation and restoration of Maó Harbour shallow bay

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  • SOM Menorca | Study of migratory birds in the Mediterranean 2024

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