PLASTIC FREE MENORCA | PescArt Menorca 2023

10.000 € awarded



  • Homegrown Project
  • Project Duration: 12 months (2023).
  • Area of Interest: Plastics
  • Other entities involved: GOB Menorca, Leader Illa de Menorca, Obsam, 0 Plastic Menorca, Foundation for people with disabilities in Menorca



Primary Impact

Reducing pollution

Summary of the project

PescArt is a circular economy project looking to highlight the power of intersectoral collaboration. We wish to provide tools and productive strength to the different possible utilities of the discarded nets.

Environmental Focus

  • We aim to promote athe circular economy by creating new products from waste and, at the same time, we seek to reduce plastic pollution, water and energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, seeking to provide a viable solution to a serious environmental problem.
  • We seek to create employment opportunities, promoting collaborations with non-profit organisations in the social field and the third sector, such as the Foundation for People with Disabilities. Aiming to raise awareness about the 7R’s and give value to collaborative initiatives and especially artisanal, artistic and innovative work.

Social, Economic and Cultural Outcomes

  • Encouraging people to have a greater appreciation of the natural world and its value
  • Encouraging governments, public institutions and media to act in ways that support the natural world
  • Supporting businesses and their employees to better preserve, protect, and regenerate the natural world
  • Encouraging changes in public/consumer behaviour to better preserve, protect, and regenerate the natural world
  • Reduced waste/better waste management


Description of the project

PescArt Menorca is a circular economy project whose objective is to promote the conversion of discarded fishing nets into new commercially viable products. The initiative aims to reduce the significant negative environmental impact derived from the deficient management of this waste, which motivated the creation of this project. 

The project aims to restore value to waste, promoting the symbiosis between the preservation of the environment and the local productive sector, through cooperation with the fishing sector and key social actors. Thus, on the one hand, we avoid the generation of waste, taking advantage of it as raw material for new products and, on the other, we promote the creation of employment and circular economy, linking it to social integration actions. 

PescArt Menorca is a project born out offrom the Plastic Free Menorca Alliance, formed by Menorca Preservation, Obsam, 0Plastic Menorca, GOB Menorca and Associació Leader Illa de Menorca. It has the collaboration of Ports de les Illes Balears, the IUCN, the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation, the Fundació Sa Nostra and CaixaBank, the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda and the Ministry of Social Rights, the Foundation for People with Disabilities of Menorca and many other institutions, organisations and people who, with their involvement and commitment, help this project grow. Thanks to the fishermen’s associations for being the first step without which this project would simply not exist. Thanks to the artisans and artists who lend their creativity and ingenuity to turn networks into wonders. Thanks to all the people who, maybe like you, still didn’t know about the project. Thank you, then, for reading these lines. And welcome to PescArt Menorca.

pescart 2023

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-06 at 17.16.20
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-06 at 17.16.20 NdP_PescArt_170323
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