Latest news on the MENORCA PRESERVADA training programme
On the 20th of September, the second module of the MENORCA PRESERVADA training programme was launched and we are very proud of the wonderful reception it is getting and the wonderful work being done by the Agroassessor team:
Up to date, two sessions have been held: September 20th – Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture (theoretical) and October 14th – Understanding the soil (Theoretical and Practical), both carried out by Nuri Madeo, Agroassessor’s Agricultural Technician.
As a result, since the start of the programme, 14 training sessions have been held, amounting to a total of more than 50 hours of training in sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, regarding the attendance to the training sessions, we can state that 121 people have attended at least one of them, and they are directly responsible for at least 4225,52 hectares of agricultural land in Menorca. Incredible!
A lot still remains to be done and from Menorca Preservation we are very keen to continue strengthening the training programme to provide farmers and livestock farmers with all the resources they need to practice more sustainable agriculture in order to contribute to the continuity of the Menorca’s primary sector.
We would like to thank the support of our collaborators Cristine Bedfor, as without their financial commitment to the implementation of projects related to the Land and local produce of Menorca, it it wouldn’t have been possible to offer such a complete and fully subsidised programme for all attendees.

Menorca Preservada is a continuous training programme promoted by Menorca Preservation, with technical support from Agroassessor. The project is supported by the Leader Illa de Menorca association through FEADER funds in the framework of the Rural Development Programme, financing from the Mava Foundation and Cristine Bedfor, as well as with the collaboration of many local entities and people from the sector. Thank you all!