PER LA MAR VIVA | Volunteer Project 2
€922.50 awarded

Organisation requesting funding:
Founded in 2017, this small organisation was set up after a number of years researching and observing the amount of plastic ending up in the sea at Ciudadela Harbour and around Menorca’s coast. Its founder, Carlos Salord, a local physiotherapist, has been moved to start-up this non- profit association after years of seeing the complacency of both “Ports de les Illes Balears” and the Ciudadela town hall to change the situation.
Per la Mar Viva’s aim is to educate public administrations, businesses, private organisations and individuals, in order to reduce any waste ending up in Menorca’s waters. Via an excellent waste management system, they help contribute towards the reduction of plastics being found in the sea and on our coastline.
Aside from educating on this matter, PER LA MAR VIVA also aims to clean Menorca’s coastline and use this as research to highlight the current inefficiency of local government cleaning services.
Issue of Concern being addressed:
In this project the area of interest is plastic marine waste.
Value of Grant:
€922.50 approx.
Project Overview:
Having had significant impact on Menorca’s coastline with their volunteer’s initiative in August 2018, Per La Mar Viva now aim to carry out the same initiative again in order to go back and clean the same areas with a group of volunteers during 5 days in August.
During the 2018 campaign, Carlos measured, the hours involved in each clean, number of people, exact areas, the waste collected etc. and this continuation of that activity is vital both to maintain the areas clean but also for his research to have much waste is then collected in 1 year in these areas.
This year the volunteers would be coming from Valencia.
Project collaborations:
Volunteers and Local town halls provide food and water for volunteers
General project objective:
The main objective of this project is to continue with what Per La Mar Viva started last year, which consists of two main objectives. The first is to carry out a comprehensive and in depth clean of the targeted areas to avoid these plastics ending up; back in the sea, in animals’ stomachs, absorbed into the natural habitats etc. The second is to collect detailed information about these cleans in order to prove the areas are not being cleaned properly and that the current cleaning service is not efficient and covering areas it should be. However, in order to prove this, it is vital to have more than one year’s data to go on.
In addition, it gives Per La Mar Viva the opportunity to educate these groups of young volunteers in marine environmental issues.
To be carried out during August 2019