LEADER | Boat Project

€60,000 awarded

Organisation requesting funding: LEADER (Isla de Menorca Association, Local action group for Menorca’s fisheries)


Issue of Concern being addressed: Marine conservation/waste management.


Project Overview:

The project will equip the organisation with a boat that can be used for plastic waste removal, monitoring and invigilating recreational fishing, ghost nets and rely information regarding important Posidonia Oceania meadows in marine protected areas.

The boat can also be used in conjunction with other existing and potential MEPF projects, including eco-moorings, posidonia mapping, beach clean-ups, and any other surveys of the coastal zones and marine protected areas.


Project collaborations:

It sits within PROJECT MENORCA, a marine protection programme designed by the Menorca Preservation Fund, Blue Marine Foundation and Sunseeker International.


General project objective:

Aside from the work that the organisation does with raising awareness around plastic pollution in its campaign, ‘More Fish, Less Plastic’,  LEADER will also actively contribute towards other marine monitoring programmes carried out by local organisations, as well as governmental departments.

The aim is to dramatically reduce plastics, keep the coastlines safe and clean, protect the marine ecosystems and monitor recreational and illegal fishing across Menorca.



The boat took its inaugural journey on 27th June 2019. It then subsequently removed four ghost fishing nets on 12th July 2019, and will continue to carry out this activity as and when the nets are located.




Total amount awarded: €60,000 (€45,000 – Boat + €15,000 – Mooring, maintenance and publicity)