2.353 awarded
Organisation Applying for Funding
YouSocial Volunteer is a not-for-profit association that trains and connects young people committed to social and environmental challenges through projects in the fields of social education, environment, social entrepreneurship and global health, offering a transformative experience that helps them develop personally and professionally.
In 2020, YouSocial launched the 0 Plastic Menorca movement with the aim of raising awareness amongst young people about plastic pollution and the search for solutions, and to promote sustainable tourism on the island.
Area of Interest
Conservation of the marine environment and the large amount of plastic and waste that accumulates on the seabed and significantly affects biodiversity and sea life.
Summary of the Project
The project is based on collecting plastics from the sea. This expedition will be carried out twice; each time a group of 40 volunteers will collect plastic from the sea.
Volunteers will be divided into two groups: one for snorkelling and one for diving.
The main plastic collection sites will be Illa del Aire, Cala Rafalet and Port de Maó.
Environmental experts will give talks about the damage of plastic on marine fauna and flora, the serious issue of microplastics, solutions and alternatives.
General Objectives
To collect the large amount of plastic underwater.
Specific Objectives
- To raise awareness about the problem of plastic pollution.
- To change participants’ behaviours through underwater plastic collections in order to reduce, reject and reuse plastic, especially single-use plastic.
- To promote conscious and responsible tourism in Menorca, as a successful example of caring for the Mediterranean.