Dream Global, Eat Local

The Covid-19 crisis has hammered home the importance of being able to produce food locally, in order to sustain our communities and reduce their reliance on imports and global supply chains.

Building long-term climate resilience by strengthening local food systems, and promoting land stewardship are common objectives across the members of our network.

Read more about the Conservation Collective and how the rest of its members are pledging their commitment to promote local produce…


Local Produce & The MEPF

The MEPF has been very keen to support local produce related projects since its inception and over the last few months we have been working towards creating an island-wide commitment to increasing the consumption and production of locally-grown, sustainable, and organic goods all the way from producers to restaurants and retail points.

Based on this and the current pandemic that we are facing, the MEPF is keener than ever to support local producers, farmers and fisheries. Connecting them with consumers and highlighting the benefits of local produce has become even more important, to help our island’s businesses weather the economic problems created by global lockdowns. Together, we are asking our communities to: DREAM GLOBAL, EAT LOCAL.

It is clear that it is essential to increase the % of local produce that we consume, which currently stands at only 11% of our household food consumption, but also we know that it is highly important to support and promote our local producers during any economic downturn.

Eating locally has so many other benefits too, including reducing food miles and carbon emissions, as well as being packed with nutrients that can help boost the immune
system and increase the population’s resilience.

Visit AgroXerxa Menorca to discover a network of local producers, what they produce and how they produce it, and where to find them. Likewise, our Instagram account has a list of local producers who are currently making home deliveries during the pandemic. It can be found in the saved stories.


Possible projects to support include:

  • Commitment from local suppliers to increase their demand for local produce (supermarkets, restaurants etc.)
  • Improvement/support in promoting local producers, their delivery options etc.
  • Guide to local fish, ways to cook and where to buy.
  • Work alongside key stakeholders in the local produce sector to better understand their key challenges and seek ways to address them. (For example packaging for local producers)


We have the experience, the projects and the partners to make this vision a reality, but we need your support! Join us in supporting this crucial work!