World Oceans Day 2023

Today is World Oceans Day and from Menorca Preservation we would like to take the opportunity to highlight the unbelievable value of the oceans through these impressive images:

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Photo credits: Photos donated for conservation purposes in the @marebalear contest, thank you for sharing your views!

World Oceans Day 2023

Those of us who love our wonderful Menorca are well aware that the sea is one of the most important areas of our environment.

Our commitment

Over the last 5 years, Menorca Preservation has donated 290k euros to over 30 local initiatives focused on investigation, regeneration and consciousness-raising about our marine environments and its species. Concretely, slightly more than 50% of these funds have been allocated to preserve, protect and regenerate natural habitats, while 37% have been used to support marine research and the protection of marine species, whilst the others have been used to support projects related to reducing pollution and to further increase environmental awareness of the ocean environment.

Sperm whales, marine research and many young environmental heroes


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Ejemplar de mero (Epinephelus marginatus) y morena (Muraena helena) en la Reserva Marina de la Illa de l'Aire. Foto_ Eva Marsinyach
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Banner Homepage MeP Ejemplar de mero (Epinephelus marginatus) y morena (Muraena helena) en la Reserva Marina de la Illa de l'Aire. Foto_ Eva Marsinyach _DSA7639 (1) Banner Homepage MeP (1)

Moby Mummy


Scientific research carried out by Tursiops that has lead to the identification of a sperm whale breeding area located in waters to the north of Menorca. Menorca Preservation has contributed to the two research campaigns carried out in 2021 and 2022.

Monitoring of Posidonia Meadows, Vulnerable Fish and Marine Impact studies.


All these marine research projects have been carried out by the Socio-environmental Observatory of Menorca allowing us to considerably increase the understanding of our marine environment, as well as contributing to the creation of the Marine Reserve of the Isla del Aire.

Kilometers of Plastic for Iris


A wonderful project carried out by 0 Plastic Menorca that involves young students between 13 and 19 years old and encourages them to organize conscious walks in nature with friends and family as well as to think about ways to reduce plastic pollution in their islands. This initiative was launched 3 years ago and, by 2023, it is being developed in all the Balearic Islands, reaching over 400 students.

Learn through Surfing


An educational and sports project run by the Surf ANd Clean Association, which seeks to improve and strengthen the bond between students and the sea through the practice of surfing. This initiative, first implemented in other regions of Spain, started in Menorca in 2020 and, over these three years, has gradually grown from engaging around 150 students to reaching over 500 in this third edition.

No water, no life. No blue, no green.

Sylvia A. Earle