Updates on the Moby Mummy 2022 campaing

Exciting news! We are getting some updates from the Moby Mummy 2022 campaign carried out last month by Tursiops Association. They have told us that it has been a very profitable campaign, in which they have collected 185 hours of environmental data and have sighted a significant number of individuals in the north of Menorca: about 40 sperm whales including 8 calves, most of them in groups, along with 41 sightings of other marine species. Incredible! The Tursiops Association are very excited and have highlighted the high presence of sperm whale calves for the second consecutive year, as well as the high frequency of Risso’s dolphin encounters.

More specifically, they have had 6 encounters with social groups of sperm whales and 1 encounter with a lone male sperm whale. In addition, they had the opportunity to make other very significant sightings: 8 Striped dolphins sightings, 9 Manta rays sightings, 9 Risso’s dolphins sightings, 12 Loggerhead turtles sightings, 1 Cuvier’s beaked whale sighting, 1 Fin whale sighting and 1 Bottlenose Dolphin sighting.

Menorca Preservation is very happy to have been able to fund this research campaign for the second consecutive year together with the Ocean Born Foundation, and to have contributed to the participation in the campaign of Aina Blanco, OBSAM‘s marine monitoring collaborator. We are also delighted that the campaign has been supported for the first time by the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency and we hope that with all the data and information collected by the Tursiops Association we will be able to achieve better protection and conservation measures for these wonderful species.

Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops
Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops
Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops
Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops Moby Mummy 2022 - Tursiops