GOB Menorca | Ver para creer (Seeing is believing)
4,540 € awarded
- Organisation Applying for Funding: GOB Menorca
- Project Duration: 15 months – August 2024 – December 2025
- Area of Interest: Sea – Raising Awareness
- Other organisations involved: Marilles Foundation
Summary of the project
At the organisation we know that ‘he who knows, appreciates’, which is why one of our most important areas of work is environmental education. We thought it would be interesting to extend the current offer with workshops that involve a more direct contact with the marine environment.
We propose a theoretical-practical activity that helps users to broaden their knowledge of the marine environment and shows them how to approach it in a friendly way through attentive observation.
Environmental or Conservation Issue
The aim is to address the protection of the oceans and the coast through knowledge of and direct interaction with the marine environment.
Project Details
One of the most important lines of action of GOB Menorca is environmental education, as we understand that the more knowledge a person has about the natural environment, the more he/she appreciates and protects it.
Although Menorca is an island with an economy based on the exploitation of marine resources (beach tourism, recreational boating, fishing, etc.), there is a great lack of knowledge about this environment and sometimes it is not treated with the respect it should be. For this reason, we would like to carry out a series of activities focused on users discovering different aspects of the sea, such as marine ecosystems, the land-sea balance, or the possible consequences of human interactions.
The activities will have a similar format, but the content will vary depending on different parameters such as the age of the target audience, the weather forecast, the location or the objective of the workshop.
– To create a fun activity with interesting content that can appeal to different target audiences.
– To encourage passive and friendly observation of marine organisms without the need to interact directly with them.
– To encourage an attitude of observation and enjoyment of the marine environment rather than an extractive relationship.
– Encourage the protection of the sea and the coast to protect terrestrial ecosystems.
Two different formats are proposed:
1. Discovery of marine ecosystems through underwater photography.
– Theoretical session of 3 hours in the classroom where different concepts of marine ecosystems, good practices, safety and underwater photography will be introduced.
– 3.5 hour guided practical session in one of Menorca’s shallow bays. Participants will be shown the different environments or ecosystems and some lesser known emblematic species of shallow ecosystems will be introduced, with a record of photographic images taken during the activity.
2. Discovery of the marine ecosystems of Menorca
– Theoretical session of 50 minutes in the classroom or on the beach where different concepts about coastal ecosystems, good snorkelling practices or basic notions of safety at sea will be introduced.
– 3-hour guided practical session at some point along the coast of Menorca. We will teach how to make a passive observation of marine organisms and ecosystems and will try to identify some organisms less known by the population.
Expected results:
– Attendance of 120 people to the workshops.
– Attract some centres or possible contracting entities to offer the activity in their recreational-educational offer.
Long-term results:
– Encourage a positive change in the relationship that some people have with the sea.
– To create a collective awareness aimed at protecting the sea and the coast.
– Promote policies for the protection of the coast and marine ecosystems.