The Foundation for the Preservation of Menorca (Menorca Preservation) is governed by the will of the founders expressed in the founding deed, by the provisions that, in interpretation and development of its statutes, are established by the Board of Trustees and, in any case, by Law 50/2002, of 26 December, on Foundations and other applicable development regulations:
The Foundation’s reports contain details of the Activities and Projects of the period covered by the document, as well as the Impact Data and the Financial Report based on our treasury criteria.
Annual Accounts
Menorca Preservation is a non-profit organisation that dedicates its assets to environmental purposes of general interest. As such, the organisation’s activities are governed by Law 50/2002, of 26th December, on Foundations. Therefore, the members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Steering Committee are donors that carry out their work free of charge, based on the stipulations of article 15.4 of this law, which specifies that ‘the trustees shall exercise their position free of charge, without prejudice to the right to be reimbursed for the duly justified expenses that the position may cause them in the exercise of their function’.