PROJECT MENORCA: Marine conservation project in Menorca
Project Menorca: Sunseeker launches a marine conservation project in menorca with the Blue Marine foundation charity and Menorca Preservation Fund
Past 31st July and 1st August were two days filled with excitement, learning and passion during the launch of Sunseeker Int. and Blue marine Foundations’ Project Menorca and for which they have chosen the Menorca Preservation Fund to carry it out this initiative, completely focused on Marine conservation matters on Menorca!
The Menorca Preservation Fund is working closely with BLUE, a UK-based charity dedicated to creating marine reserves with a long-term charity partnership with Sunseeker. That partnership will contribute establishing a recognised model of conservation, supported by local partners on the island. Many Local organisations and Stakeholders had the opportunity to explain first-hand the projects that are being implemented under “Menorca Project” and national and international press had also the opportunity to understand all the challenges the marine ecosystem in Menorca is facing.
Project Menorca, among other things, will support local fisheries in creating a model of sustainable fishing, establish a network of ‘eco-moorings’ to preserve seagrass beds, protect marine reserves by removing plastics and ‘ghost’ fishing nets, distribute recyclable bags across the island among other activities related to marine monitoring programmes. This challenge undoubtely presents an ideal opportunity to make a tangible difference in protecting Menorca’s marine areas