Complaints channel 

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Menorca Preservation invites you to contact our team and send us all your complaints, suggestions, claims and queries so that we may be aware of them and allow us to improve.

To do this, you can fill in the form indicating in the subject, if possible, what it is about:

1. Complaint: if you have any disagreement with an issue related to our activity or with the people in the organisation.

2. Claim: if you consider that there is or has been a breach in the service offered by our organisation on the part of a person or the organisation itself.

3. Suggestion: if you have any advice or proposal to help us improve.

4. Doubt: if you need to know anything about the organisation.

Once you send us the form, we undertake to reply within a maximum period of 15 days and the suggestion, complaint or claim will be transferred for follow-up and resolution to the responsible body as soon as possible. In addition, a copy of the suggestion, complaint or claim will be sent to the affected person/s for information purposes, without indicating the name of the person who made the suggestion, complaint or claim, in order to respect the principle of confidentiality.

If the suggestion, complaint or claim is not sufficiently substantiated, the sender is not identified or there are indications that it is a suggestion, complaint or claim submitted in bad faith, the suggestion, complaint or claim will be rejected and the sender will be informed in writing.

If the suggestion, complaint or claim is sufficiently substantiated, it shall be investigated. All information and supporting documentation deemed necessary for the analysis and resolution of the complaint, claim or suggestion shall be requested from the issuer. Once all the supporting information and documentation has been gathered, it will be analysed in order to be able to resolve the suggestion, complaint or claim. 

Following the investigation, a resolution and/or conclusion will be reached on the suggestion, complaint or claim and, if appropriate, recommendations and corrective measures will be identified. The person issuing the suggestion, complaint or claim and the affected person(s) will be informed in writing of the resolution reached and the proposed corrective actions.