GOB Menorca | Let’s Visit a Farm
4,125 € awarded
- Organisation Applying for Funding: GOB Menorca
- Project Duration: January 2025 to January 2026
- Area of Interest: Land.
- Other organisations involved: Farmers from the farms where the Visitam un Lloc activities take place: Algendaret Nou – Raül Goñalons, cheese making during the activity; Santa Cecília – Carlos Allès, cheese making during the activity and Son Felip – Xec Gornés, beekeeping dynamics during the activity.

Project Summary:
Visitam un Lloc is an environmental awareness and education program focused on responsible consumption and appreciation of the Menorcan countryside. The project offers guided visits to local, sustainable farms for school children and other interested groups.
Main Objectives:
The “Visitam un Lloc” program has two main objectives:
- To promote environmental awareness regarding consumer habits. This involves understanding different agricultural models, their environmental impacts, with a focus on organic farming, and reflecting on consumer choices related to local and sustainable consumption.
- To bring the reality of the Menorcan countryside closer to the local society. This includes knowledge of Menorcan countryside elements like native breeds, dry stone walls, mosaic landscapes, traditional production processes (cheese or honey), ecosystem services from sustainable agriculture, and the natural values of Menorca.
Expected results:
The program aims to achieve the following expected results:
- Creating environmental and local awareness to influence the consumption criteria of future adults.
- Increasing urban society’s knowledge of the Menorcan countryside.
- Offering sustainable farming as a potential future employment option.
Project Legacy:
The project aims for long-term continuity, addressing new students each year and seeking financial support to offer the activity free of charge. The program anticipates reaching over 300 students per year and 1000 students in 3 years.