“Agroforestry: A training session on how to produce food in forest areas”

GOB Menorca, through the Custodia Agraria programme, is organising a course on Agroforestry on 18th April from 10:00 to 13:30h in the Auditorium of Ferrerias to bring this technique closer to people who wish to make forest areas profitable.

Alain Canet, agronomist and vice-president of the Centre National d’Agroécologie, will talk about the world of agroforestry and edible forests, and Félix Noblia, farmer and expert in environmental externalities, will talk about agriculture, climate and voluntary carbon sequestration credits.

Forest areas have grown in recent decades, both in Menorca and the rest of Europe, partly thanks to the progressive abandonment of old cultivated areas, which has facilitated this natural process. Even so, there are ways of producing food within these forested areas without having to give up these recent forests. In this sense, agroforestry makes it possible to incorporate some agricultural production within shrub and forest areas.

This course is a great opportunity to learn about the benefits of agroforestry systems: on an environmental level, they can help to restore habitats, protect biodiversity, maintain fertile soil and control pests naturally; on an economic level, they allow the diversification of production, the economic viability of areas of high landscape value or the transfer of income to other sectors, including the professional agricultural sector.

The course is priced at €22 for the general public and €12 for farms within the Agrarian Stewardship programme. Pre-registration is required, available through the following channels:



This course is supported by Menorca Preservation and Binissaida des Barracons.