Our second Covid-19 & local product emergency project

The situation caused by the pandemic in Menorca has led to a significant slowdown in the local economy because of the dependence of so many people on the hotel and tourism industry. At the moment social services and humanitarian support organisations are experiencing a high increase in users, which makes it a huge challenge to be able to offer help and services to everyone but in addition the local small business economy is suffering from this lack of liquidity among the community.

For this reason, the Menorca Preservation Fund, Cadena de Favores Menorca and the Mercat des Claustre de Mahon want to join forces to support both local commerce and vulnerable families as a result of COVID-19 in Menorca, with a special focus on the nutritional and environmental benefits of consuming local produce.

The Menorca Preservation Fund aims to promote this pilot project by raising funds to support small local farms and businesses with markets stalls in the Mercat des Claustre de Mahon, which has been badly affected by the present pandemic, through economic vouchers donated to vulnerable families identified via Cadena de Favores Menorca and the local social services.

The details:
– Vouchers of 10 and 20 euros will be made, with a total value of 40€ being donated every 2 weeks to the identified families.
– The vouchers can only be used to buy fresh produce such as: fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, milk, meat and cheese. Priority will be given to local produce if available.
– Cadena de Favores will manage the delivery of the vouchers along with social services and local entities (Red Cross, Cáritas and the Evangelic Church).
– The project will take advantage of the initiative to educate on environmental issues, such as the nutritional benefits of fresh, local and healthy products, as well as reducing the generation of waste caused by plastic bags, etc.
– One bag cloth will be donated to each family in order to reduce the generation of waste.
– It is supported by Justicia Alimentaria who will donate informative materials on the parameters of a healthy and balanced diet.
– The project also aims to change habits and encourage people to buy their fresh produce in the local market.

The aim is to raise 25,200€ in order to reactivate a small sector of local businesses at the same
time as providing 140 vulnerable families with access to fresh produce during 9 weeks.
20€ x 140 families x 9 weeks = 25,200€

We would like to send a special thank you to Cristine Bedfor for their support to those local produce-related projects of the Menorca Preservation Fund.

All info on how you can help, here –
