'Una Isla, Un Mar'
With the title “New initiatives for marine conservation in Menorca” the closing event gathered several marine conservation related organisations that had the opportunity to explain the work carried out in marine conservation projects in Menorca. Most of the organisations that participated have received funds during 2018 from the MEPF, like the OBSAM, GOB Menorca, Per la Mar Viva for implementing projects related to different subjects like the posidonia, the evaluation of the fish population, the illegal fishing, boat management, the improvement of marine meadows, awareness raising among the community towards our seas situation or the marine pollution and reduction of plastic rubbish.
Nuestra fundación ha tenido el placer de co-organizar este ciclo de debate tan interesante junto al Consell Insular y la Estación de Investigación Juame Ferrer, teniendo el ciclo un gran éxito de asistencia y participación. Queremos agradecer especialmente a los y las más de 30 ponentes que participaron a lo largo del ciclo que duró desde Septiembre a Diciembre.